
A Lucario Story Chapter 15

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Battle in the Alley

"Who are those guys?" Alice asked.
"A couple of friends." I told her.
Jesse turned to face me, and then back at Drake and Roy. "Friends, huh?"
Drake spoke to the mafia. "Let them go." He demanded.
Larry, Jesse, and the other members of the mafia just laughed. "Your outnumbered. How do you expect to beat us?"
The mafia all pointed thier guns at Drake and Roy.
"Do it." Roy said.
Drake then pulled out some sort of smoke grenade.
"What the hell..." Larry said.
Drake threw it down, and within moments we were all surounded in smoke. I couldn't even see a centimeter in front of me. Then, a figure started to emerge. I thought it was one of the members of the mafia, but it was Roy.
"Roy! get the knife."
"What knife." He looked around.
Then, he saw it on the ground, and started to cut the rope. In moments, we were free. I gave Alice a kiss on teh cheek.
"Are you okay?" I said.
"I'm fine." She said.
Then, the smoke started to disappear. I spotted the ladder that we were tied by.
"Climb up, Alice!"
Both of our wrists were red for being tied up so tightly, but we both climbed up the ladder quickly. Moments later, the smoke disappeared, and we were almost at the top of the building.
"Fire! Kill him!" Jesse ordered, everyone opened fire, but me and Alice got up the ladder just in time.
"let's go after him, Larry."
Larry nodded his head, and they started to climb up the ladder. While Reoy and Drake were stuck in a cornor, all four of the other mafia members pointing thier guns at them.
"On your knees, now!"
Drake and Roy did what they were told. It was like they were just about to surrender. Then, a light bulb must have popped out of Roy's head.
"Drake, when I count to three, put your face to the wall, and old your breath."
Drake looked confused. "What?"
Then, the mafia interrupted them. "Shut up! I will shoot you."
Roy reached into his pocket, and brought out a lighter quickly, and put it behind his back quickly so the mafia wouldn't see it. "1..."
"hey, I told you to BE QUIET!" The mafia member spoke again.
Roy turned on the lighter. "2..."
The mafia members pointed the guns at them. "SHUT UP!"
At that moment, Roy threw the lighter in the center of the mafia members. "3!"
Both Roy and Drake put their faces to the wall in the cornor, and the gas that was on the stone ground engnited the mafia members, burning them alive. Then, the fire reached one of the propaine tanks, and it exploded.

Me and Alice were on top of the building. "What was that explosion?!" Alice said in panic.
I took a few breaths from climbing up the ladder. "I check." I was hoping Roy and Drake were okay.
When I took a peek over the edge, I took a punch to the face by Jesse, who was climbing up the ladder. Alice gasped, and soon the two mafia members pointed thier guns at me.
Alice quickly ran toward them, and shot an aura sphere at Jesse's gun, and kicked Larry's off the edge. Then, they started to battle. I got back up, and saw Alice fighting the two lucario.
I got to my feet, and pushed Larry away from Alice, but she was still fighting Jesse.
"Come on!" Larry said, "let's see what you got."
I tried to nail Larry in the face with a punch, but instead he moved out pf the way, and found myself near the edge. We kept trying to hit each other, but we kept missing.
"I... won't... lose!"
When Larry threw another punch, and went inbetween his legs, and then he found himself near the edge. Then, I did what I did to get those kods to stop fighting over the game in the Anderson Mall, and I pushed him down, into the blazing inferno.
"I'll tell Lance that your fired." I said.
But my troubles weren't over. I turned around to find Alice, with a knife to her neck.
My heart stopped for a minute.
"Give it up, Justin! It's over." he laughed like a demon. If I made one movment, I knew he would kill Alice. There were tears streming down her checks, and I thought there wasn't anything I could do.
"Wait..." My mind thought.
I raised my hands in the air, and Jesse could do nothing but watch.
"What are you doing? It's not funny if that's what your thinking."
Then, I comined my aura and psychic powers, to make and invisible, powerful wind, that blew Jesse over the edge of the building, but Alice was fine.
I ran over to see if she was okay.
"Alice, Alice!" I ran over to her, and she stood up, with only a little dust on her face, but I got it off.
"Once again..." She started to say, taking a breath. "I'm fine."
We both just tried to laugh it off, when we heard a voice call for help. We both looked over the edge, and saw Jesse, hanging from a flagpole.
"Well, since your hanging there, I want you ask you a question." Jesse couldn't say nothing, but I asked the question anything. "Who is your boss?"
Jesse swollowed, then he started to speak. "He does not want me... or anyone in the mafia to say his name. He'll kill me if I do!"
"WHO IS HE!" I demanded. "Give me the name!"
"Alright, it's..." But at that moment, we all heard the flagpole creak, and then it detached from the building, and Jesse fell flat onto the sidewalk. Alice buried her face in my chest.
"We... better get going." I said. Alice could just agree with me.
I climbed back down the ladder first, since I saw the inferno was gone. Alice followed right behind me. At the bottom, we found five burnt bodies, and saw Roy and Drake, who looked like they didn't have a scratch on them.
"Are you alright?" Roy asked me and Alice.
"We're fine, thanks to you." I told him, "if you didn't show up, we would have been finished."
After we were all silent for a moment, Alice just introduced herself to Roy and Drake.

After that, I thanked Roy and Drake, and we were all on our way. Alice was in my car, in the passenger's seat. Soon, we were in the front parking lot at the Goldview Hotel. I woke up Alice, and we went inside.
"So, your brother really owns the penthouse in this place."
I nodded my head. "He's the manager of the Anderson Mall."
"Oh, so your Justin Anderson."
I nodded my head again.
It was awkward in the elevator for a minute, then when we got to the entrance of the penthouse, Alice said something that changed me, forever.
"Justin, I know we've only met a few days ago. But there's something about you that changed me."
"You changed me too, Alice. You really have."
She started to speak again. "And... well... we have so much in common. I... want to spend the rest of my life with you. Starting tonight."
both of our eyes sparkled, and we both had a kiss, I felt like there was nothing in the world greater in the world that could replace Alice.
"If we want to spend the rest of each other's lives being together, that means... mating?" Alice said.
I nodded. "If that's what you want. because I want it too."
"What about your rother, Lance."
I looked out the window, out into the gleaming lights. "Screw Lance. All I need is you. And... he could change the sheets anyway."
Alice just laughed, and we both went inside the penthouse, and then we both had the time of our lived.
Chapter 15!
Enjoy! :D
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drunkensniper009's avatar
:3 YAY A riolu will be born (hope they didint us protection)